Using the best nutritional science, Nutritional Therapy can identify potential nutritional imbalances that may be directly impacting your health. As a licensed Nutritional Therapist (BANT, CNHC) I can assess individual needs and offer advice, through a combination of personalised dietary, exercise and relaxation strategies, to help you achieve peak health and wellness, manage any chronic health conditions or reach your optimum weight.
Before the consultation you will be asked to complete a 5-day food dairy and medical questionnaire by email or post.
If all three consultations are booked and paid for together there is a special package rate of £260.
All consultations are currently online via Zoom
1st consultation
Initial consultation
90 minutes £150
Your medical history, health status, current concerns and symptoms together with your usual dietary habits will be analysed.
On the first visit we will talk for about an hour and you will be given initial dietary and lifestyle advice.
Follow up appointments are strongly recommended to assess your progress
2nd consultation
60 minutes £80
This will take place 4-5 weeks after the first. You will be given a detailed dietary programme including a supplement programme to address any nutrient deficiencies.
Your programme will include meal ideas and recipes and weekly meal plans can be provided.
We may recommend diagnostic tests to determine levels of nutrients or to assess allergies, liver function, digestive function and hormone imbalances.
3rd consultation
Follow up consultations
30 minutes £50
The final consultation takes place 6 weeks after the second.
This appointment will monitor your progress and be an opportunity to adjust your programme if necessary. It is also a time to set long term goals for enduring good health.
Further consultations are available if necessary, depending on goals or health concerns.